Monday, February 18, 2008

Dine out for Goodwill!

Many of us are always so glad to see Friday roll around. But then, on Friday night, we end up not doing much of anything – we just veg out on the couch. Too often, that’s the case in my house.

There are two weeks coming up, though, where you will want to plan to save some energy to make it out on Friday night. It’s all part of Cuisine for a Cause.

First, if you dine at Opus One on Friday or Saturday, February 22nd and 23rd, 25% of your guest check goes to Goodwill.

Then, on April 25th, for only $100 a ticket, you can have a really great evening out. It’s a big event benefiting 10 charities that includes fine wines, hors d'oeuvres and lots of great company. But the best part is that for the tickets that Goodwill sells, Goodwill gets $80 on each of those $100 tickets sold. That’s a great return, don’t you think?

You can also view our Cuisine for a Cause promo in the video below, and to purchase tickets to this wonderful event call: 313.964.3900 ext.302

We hope to see you far away from your couch and supporting Goodwill.

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