Friday, February 22, 2008

Bowling for Jobs!

Just when you think you know all about the place where you live, you learn something new.

With 100 local bowling centers and more than 85,000 registered league bowlers (adult & youth), Metro Detroit is considering the Bowling Capital of the World. Being a very recreational, casual bowler at best (my mom has me beat…she still bowls a 100 at age 86), I was totally unaware.

Goodwill along with Blue Ribbon Bowling Centers, Michigan Business & Professional Association and Michigan Food & Beverage Association have created a bowling extravaganza for the dedicated bowlers as well as occasional bowlers around Metro Detroit.

Goodwill’s Motor City Bowl-A-Thon will be going on during the entire month of March. Please join us anytime in March for a great time for a great cause. For every team that competes, Goodwill receives $105. For more information:

Russ Russell, Vice President of Development, Marketing, & Public Relations shares why being a part of the Goodwill's Motor City Bowl-A-Thon is important:

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